Title: Confusion Leads to Many Things
Pairings/Characters: Jyuushiro, Nanao
Summary: Drunken Nanao is a bit strange and insecure.
Author Notes: I wrote this for
snailrevolution as a gift for when we met in Baltimore. I had a lot of fun last year! :D But anyway, it’s about time I put this up on my lj. *is lazy!*
Jyuushiro relaxed for the first time since the day had begun. After all that work in the library, searching for clues that would point them in the right direction of Aizen’s motives, he was glad to have a little alone time in his office. So, of course, when that relaxation was suddenly disturbed by a timid knock on his door, it was inevitable he felt a little downhearted at the interruption. “Come in.” The last person he had expected to see at this time of night walked straight into his office with a look of determination set on her face. “Na - Nanao-san?”
“Where is he?” were her first words of evening, and Jyuushiro had to blink at the abruptness of the question.
“What? You’re not making any sense, Nanao-san.” He took a closer look and noticed with a start that her cheeks were flushed and her eyes heavily lidded - implying that she was drunk. For what reason, and for what purpose she was even in his office, he did not know. “Nanao-san, perhaps you should just return to your quarters and try to sleep?”
“Where is he?!” Her voice had grown louder, reaching a fevered pitch, narrowed eyes boring into his startled own.
“Please, calm down. Are you - are you looking for Shunsui? I’m afraid I haven’t seen him since this morning. Nanao-san, what’s going on?”
Her shoulders sagged, as if defeated. “Ano, sorry for disturbing you, Ukitake-taichou. My - my mistake.” She closed her eyes and ran a tired hand over her face. “Ugh, I’m making a fool of myself, aren’t I?”
Jyuushiro opted not to reply. Sometimes, silence was golden. “Nanao-san … why are you looking for Shunsui? And, if I could be so bold, why are you drunk?”
“It’s nothing,” she muttered, words still holding that same slurred quality from before. “Never mind.” She made to leave, but Jyuushiro hindered her at the door with quick, resolute movements.
“Nanao-san, do you not trust me?”
Before Nanao knew what she was doing, she glared at the man, a look that momentarily confused the worn out captain. Her words, though, clarified all. “It’s not you I don’t trust. It’s - It’s that bastard!”
Trying not to dwell too hard on who she was calling such a name, Jyuushiro placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and led her over to a chair to sit her down (before she collapsed, if the swaying was anything to go by). “Are you talking about Shunsui?”
She nodded, sinking into the offered chair with a sigh of temporary comfort. “Ne, ne, Ukitake-taichou. Have you ever wondered if Shunsui would ever commit to someone, if maybe he’ll find that right person soon?”
The question was so quiet and unsure that he had barely been able to make it out, but quickly replied before Nanao drifted off completely, “Yes: yes, I do. As a matter of fact, I believe he has already found that person.”
“Hmm ….” Her eyes were almost shut by now, but Jyuushiro just kept smiling. “And what about you?”
The smile turned even more gentle if that were possible. “I, too, have found someone like that.”
“Who …?”
But she was already curled up in the chair, fast asleep, before Jyuushiro could answer with another smile and a soft-spoken, “You. Just like him.”