Define exhaustion. Example 1, Beckysan. Nimrod who is working self to death.
It's obviously not a very bright Tuesday morning for this little critter. There's yet another storm cloud overhead, can't see straight, and has OOOOOOOoooooooooooo so much more to do today.
Meh, you know me, too tough to give it up.
There is an art item up today, though it won't be on deviantart until I can get on anything other than a school computer and teh net, so I'll post it at the bottom. I'll pick your jaw up later... ewww drooling..
I still have oogles of work to catch up on, but slowly but surely I'm beating it down. I just am at the point of application. Also, I have senior pictures officially today, unless the good sovereign decides it shouldn't be with a little shower... *finger to the sky*
Erm.. well work bit, I'm tired, and barely got time for myself which would have made me sad, had I not stuck my foot out and demanded it for myself, which came in the form of watching various anime music videos (basically intros) while giving my lil' brother a swift growl as he was not to be awake. Although what bothered me the most last night was not being exhausted enough to get to sleep by midnight, and even after a few rounds of fire emblem before my computer overheated, then 'another' tactic, I was finally able to go down.
So I leave you with this little ditty I thought up in my head when I was watching the amv for anxepheron or whatever the heck it was called.
A pair of wings stretch at the sky
stroking the air violently with a piercing wild flurry
as the being bearing itself urged onward
gracing the wind with the fibers of each feather
but what does the entity seek so desperatly?
who could know...