Dream Keeper Warriors

Aug 22, 2019 20:29

A music video inspired by Dave and Liz's comic Dreamkeepers set to Dream Warriors by Dokken

The italicized portions are the lyrics that the video's scenes correspond to in the song.

The video opens with a red light in darkness pulsing in sync with the drum beat. As the music becomes more intense a very faint outline of Nabonidus's face is briefly seen before at the 20 second mark of the song it goes flying up into a starry sky. The camera pans down to see Anduruna. It then dives down and zooms through the city before going beneath the streets to Troika HQ where Mace, Lilith and Namah are sleeping.

I lie awake and dread the lonely nights.
I'm not alone.
I wonder if these heavy eyes could face the unknown.

Lilith is still awake starring at the ceiling with a worried expression.

When I close my eyes I realize,
you'll come my way.
I'm standing in the night alone.
Forever, together.

She closes her eyes and her remembering her assault in the library is transparently overlaid (aka you're seeing her dream).

[Chorus #1]
We're the dream warriors.
Don't wanna dream no more!
We're the dream warriors.
And maybe tonight,
maybe tonight you'll be gone.

Her dreaming about her the dangers they've been through to that point continues playing. As the chorus reaches it's end both the vision and Lilith fade out.

I feel the touch comin' over me.
I can't explain.
I hear the voices callin' out.
Callin' my name.

A split screen of Tinsel and Ravat is seen. They're both minding their own business when their heads come up. Their faces are slightly confused like they're hearing someone talking even though they're alone.

It's the same desire to feel the fire,
That's comin' your way.
I'm standing in the night alone.
Forever, together.

They slowly close their eyes as halos begin to form over their heads. With a pop they snap into being as both of them realize their dark powers. On the last 2 words of the final verse they both go from a slight use of power to a blast of it.

[Chorus #2]

Semi translucent scenes of DKers who've aligned themselves with the nightmares using their dark powers now play. After the chorus ends and the instrumental midsections starts we now see Troika members training and carrying out missions.

Sweet revenge, the bitter end,
this time.
Break the spell of illusion.
Bound together waiting for you.

Change to an outside shot in a now devastated and burning Anduruna. The Sabbaton Towers are a ragged stub barely a 1/5th their original size. Nabonidus is advancing through the city as various dkers try to use their powers against him. Other dkers in ragged CCA armor are also trying to attack him with conventional weapons. All the attacks are bouncing off an unseen shield around him.

Dream warriors!
Don't wanna dream no more.
We're the dream warriors.
Maybe tonight you'll be gone

All the recognizable characters seem about 3-4 years older than the GN saga time. Mace stands up on top of some rubble. Instead of with a "pop" he summons his power with a "BOOM" and a bright white halo. An area of distortion like a lens forms above him as he holds his hands up and out to the sides.

We're the dream warriors!
Ain't gonna dream no more.

All the dreamkeepers who hadn't already manifest powers all suddenly do so with simultaneous "pop" "pop" "pop" "pop". The ones who had been using conventional weapons drop them as they all raise their right hands, pointed at mace. The wisps and colors of their powers all converge in the lens effect over his head, forming a radiant beam that shoots forth blasting through Nabonidus's shield and causing him to scream as he's slowly engulfed in a blinding brightness.

Dream warriors, forever
Dream warriors
Maybe tonight you'll be gone
Dream warriors

As Nabonidus's face is engulfed by the attack the scene suddenly switches to a prelude age Lilith suddenly sitting up awake in her bed in Sabbaton Towers. She run over to the window and throws open the curtains to see the city still intact. The entire video was a dream/possible vision she'd had.
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