The following is an extension of the
following tweet chain. I hate socialism because no matter how it starts out, it's always ends the same. Britain will be no different even if it's taking longer to reach the inevitable end.
Socialism can not, no matter where it's tried, meet all the promises it makes. Eventually sheer economic reality will force cuts as demand outstrips supply which means rationing. Some try to ration by severity of need, some try to ration by class recipient, some try to ration by simply denial of services. Health Canada is farther along the path to collapse than the NHS. There are more MRI machines in the city of Buffalo, NY than in the entire nation of Canada. In the court case Chaoulli v Quebec the Supreme Court of Canada found that forcing people to get care only within the government healthcare system violated their human rights. That's how bad Health Canada is and frankly how bad the NHS is if it were forced to make an honest assessment of itself. Since it is economically impossible to provide top level service to everyone for everything socialism ALWAYS drags everyone down to the lowest level. Services at the NHS are currently 2nd rate and will only be going downhill unless your name is followed by "M.P." or "M.E.P." When Castro needed real, emergency care did he utilize the glorious people's healthcare system? No, he flew in doctors from Spain. The only reason the NHS can still even give the level of service it does now is because it is strip mining the countries of the Commonwealth for their competent medical personnel. What happens the day budget cuts makes their wages no longer competitive with rising salaries in India? You are your decedents are going to find out.
Socialism reduces the citizen from a person to a thing. You can't question it and you can't fight it because if you are allowed to it risks collapsing the whole thing. That's why the NHS is torturing children to death (starvation is torture). They didn't even know what was wrong with Alfie Evans. Yet still they couldn't allow the Italian government and their specialty fitted air ambulance to take him to Bambino Gesú hospital not for their stated reason of it being "too hard on him" (as if starving him to death wasn't harder). They denied the transfer because they couldn't risk BG actually helping him. They murdered a child so that they wouldn't risk losing face. More and more stories are coming out now too about incompetence and corruption being covered up at the NHS because the narrative must be preserved at all cost.
Socialism always ends in killing. The UK, France, Greece and Spain are all at the beginning stage of socialist collapse. The place where increasing social tension, rising debt, services breakdown and shortages are still able to be denied by those in charge. Venezuela and Zimbabwe are nations in end stage collapse. The only thing separating your nations is time. 10 million of my people were murdered by socialism in the Holodomor. More than Jews in the Holocaust but we never talk about that though because it happened under International Socialism (doubleplus good) not National Socialism (doubleplus ungood). I'm not willing to give it a few million more on the off chance that THIS time they'll get it right. Frankly I stand with the Poles when it comes to either side of that totalitarian coin.
As to what I would do if my child were severely ill, I'd try to use all available government programs. I'd try no fee hospitals like
St. Judes. I'd try every children's charity there is and crowdfunding off the internet....and I would pray. What I could never do is look myself in the mirror if I voted to have someone virtually enslave others by using government force to seize the fruits of their labors.
Finally, I hate socialism because it crushes the human spirit. When 70% of your earnings are seized, why try? Why put in anything more than the minimum effort. Why innovate? Why risk anything? What good will it do? The Soviet economy didn't just collapse because of pressure from the western world in the cold war or insanely corrupt and incompetent leadership, it collapsed because the soviet worker hardly did anything. Socialism in Scandinavian countries performed as well as it did for as long as it did because the United States subsidized their defense and because they were mono-culture ethno-states. Swedes lived as they did because it was simply expected of them. Now though that they're aborting themselves below replacement levels and mass importing a hyper violent, retrograde culture which doesn't have families but litters the strain is already showing.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. What is more powerful in socialism than government? Nothing. Bureaucracies always attract the worse elements of a society because it is where they can find unmitigated power. The starry eyed Trotskyites will always get the ice pick from the Stalinists who follow and the people always suffer for it. Will Simon Stevens ever be held accountable for the failures of the NHS? Not in a 100 lifetimes.
As to the question of how do you solve poverty and inequality: To put it bluntly, you don't. They are as much if not more the results of human nature then any particular socioeconomic system they may find themselves in. You can give people the same resources, the same education and the same opportunity and every single time you will end up with different results. This is because people make choices. Often times they will make selfish, short sighted and stupid ones which over time will greatly effect their station in life. There will ALWAYS be homeless because some people simply cannot function on their own. There will ALWAYS be poor because many people will constantly piss away whatever they have. Many people are just lazy. They will live in squalor and need because they simply don't want to put out the effort to do better. For many people subsistence is an acceptable way of life because they CHOOSE it.
All you can do is mitigate it. Socialism always tries to solve it and the ever increasing burden they put on producers to do so inevitably causes them to give up. I think a regulated free market economic system inside of a Judeo-Christian legal system based in English Common Law provides the best opportunity for people to live the freest, most just lives they can. I think social aid is best and most efficiently delivered by private means though things like social organizations and church communities. That doesn't mean I think that we just abandon the destitute. Welfare is not a unjust function of government but it should be very limited and NEVER generational. Food stamps and emergency rooms are both valid applications of social aid. While we can and should aid those in need that aid should necessarily be temporary and an effort. People should not be made comfortable in their dependency. Furthermore anyone on public assistance should have their right to vote suspended. If you can not support yourself you have no business having a voice in the direction of the country because you will vote for whoever promises more welfare.
Yes, I support these systems I do because I believe it is self evident they have created the greatest good both for my country and the world. The economy of the United States outpaces the rest of the G6 combined. The military of the United States held off the horrors of Nazism, Japanese Fascism and Communism from swallowing the world. Europe has proven unable to govern itself without royally F'ing things up for even a century. The recent advancement of Article 13 shows the continent once again has their heads up their collective ass. We do not need to be taking any cues from it.