Oct 25, 2017 21:37
Things are rough in our nation right now. The 24-7 news cycle works to amplify the smallest things into major issues while social media has allowed for echo chambers not seen outside the old Soviet Union and North Korea. The extreme voices of both sides are being fanned into fever pitches. We see this hate crossing from words to acts and even bloodshed.
The idea of 'politics' has never been a popular thing. It is often meet with derision and claims of being "above" it while engaging in it more and more.
I am a political creature though. I've been so all my life. One of my first memories in life is asking my mom if she'd voted for Reagan as we left the City Hall of a small town we once lived in. In the 5th grade I was the only kid in school wearing a campaign pin. It was for the Bush/Quayle campaign. I didn't wear it because my parents were backing them or because a teacher was pushing them. I wore it because I wanted to.
I've always had a passion for politics. It's not how I earn a living though. That's because you make money it in the same way as you do in my other passion marketing and as I've told people before "I'd rather have a soul".
Perhaps though I need to expand on what 'politics' means to me. For most people that means Democrats vs Republicans. To say that's what it is to me would be like saying a Redbox is Hollywood. Name any major country in the world and I can probably tell you who their leader is, what their political system is, the state of their culture, their economy and their current impact on the world. Name a secondary country and I can tell you more about it than most people probably could the state they live in. Politics is more than just election back and forth to me, it's political science.
A friend of mine on Twitter mentions they're happier now for having removed politics from their life and encourages other to do so as well. That's good, I'm glad it had a positive impact for him and I'm sure it'd do the same for many others as well. I could remove politics from my life, he could remove sports from his...and we'd both be dead inside. As much as people hate it, it's a part of who I am.
I don't 'engage' anything like what I used to on social media a decade ago. You could say I'm just "tired". I held the line back when "social justice" was unquestioned. Back when having the wrong opinion in the fandom made you a target. Things are different now. For as rancorous as things are you can have a different opinion in furry and not be a pariah for it. If people don't like me, if people don't understand me, anymore I just don't care.
MFF is coming soon. When I go there I just wanna see old friends, go out to eat and relax after a long construction season.