From Twitter 05-12-2011

May 13, 2011 03:27

  • 06:17:16: RT @SherrieGG: Never ceases 2 amaze me what Christians have convinced themselves they are, in the face of all evidence to the contrary. ...
  • 09:38:47: First workout since surgery felt pretty good. Longer on the elliptical, played mind games to keep on.
  • 10:07:08: Now making Ghirardelli brownies w raspberry demerara on top...and can't eat any. #tortures
  • 10:56:10: "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Brandeis
  • 11:21:17: Silly, they only hate it when it's people who employ union workers. RT @ me1an1e Hope the oil companies don't use private jets
  • 11:22:19: RT @rudepundit: Worst part of the bin Laden journals? All the My Chemical Romance slash fiction.
  • 11:33:03: Beware Poe's Law. @ RJSterling_USA @paulfreid @KatieAnnieOakly @LeftsideAnnie: ...TOO stupid even to be credible as an actual RW.
  • 11:35:50: It's the Overton window. GOP embraces fringe to push the range of the possible further and further rightward. @ chrislhayes @sethdmichaels
  • 11:39:24: FoxPAC: Oh sh8, we're getting nailed on the Medicare thing...quick! Look! A black person! @ ChicoDelainky @RJSterling_USA
  • 11:42:13: Your mouth. $DEITY's ear. @ JoanieGentian Liane is retiring but Neil Conan not? Curses.
  • 11:44:02: They have Fox Noise. MSM is afraid to cover liberals at *all.* @ me1an1e how are they so good at controlling the conversation
  • 12:05:49: Not the first thing I tell people. Comes out when relevant. @ RJSterling_USA Did not know that about you. @Satur9 me1an1e I've also dialysis.
  • 12:07:27: If interested, #thenewnormal since 9/10 diagnosis @ RJSterling_USA Did not know that about you. @Satur9 @me1an1e I've also dialysis.
  • 12:10:06: Noticed that. Mostly stopped listening. @ JoanieGentian Neil Conan fears failure to repeat mind numbing RW talking points
  • 12:24:15: You should get some CDs from my band then! @ JoanieGentian Though I DO have a nice Tuvan throat singing CD ready
  • 12:32:29: True, but I thought a modern Irish band might be interesting to Ms McPhee @ JoanieGentian Cool. But you don't LOOK like throat singers.
  • 12:42:29: Feh. My #thenewnormal tweets are expired. Library of Congress has them though. :-P @ RJSterling_USA @KatieAnnieOakly @me1an1e
  • 12:44:28: Please to forgive typo. Lots of new followers today, trying to keep up. :) @ JoanieGentian MAC Phee :)
  • 13:03:59: In a late-night appearance in the East Room of the Imperial Palace, Lord Vader declared that “justice has been done”
  • 13:07:58: Roto Rooter & Limbaugh both in the business of moving sh8. Synergy. RT @ katieannieoakly @farrellhamann Roto Rooter sponsoring Limbaugh
  • 13:10:34: LOL, nope. 3=waltz 4=reel 6=jig (but jig counts 1 2 3, 2 2 3 so kinda 2) @ JoanieGentian haha, my kid: Irish is 3 beat/measure, Scots 2 or 4.
  • 13:12:00: In the corner pissing themselves in fear of being called 'liberal' RT @ me1an1e where oh where is the liberal media that the right condemns
  • 13:56:05: Brownie update: One wouldn't release from pan. Now won't release from mah belleh. #omnomnom
  • 14:25:52: Ch4rt3r 4!rl!n3s, please note: I have naught but contempt for executives and their pr!vat3 j3t5. You're barking up the wrong tree. Reported.
  • 14:58:14: RT @JoanieGentian: RT @CitizenCohn: Told ya - now #Romney praising French, Swiss health systems. Two of my favorites.
  • 14:58:47: RT @JoanieGentian: RT @pourmecoffee: Romney giving his healthcare speech. Paramedics standing by in case he twists himself into life-thr ...
  • 15:13:20: Oh @lawrence, you are a bad man. Last 30 seconds are priceless.
  • 17:02:56: He finally got something right. RT @ ChicoDelainky John McCain: Torture Didn't Lead Us to Bin Laden
  • 17:32:08: The comix have a liberal bias! Call Hannity! :-P RT @ RJSterling_USA That's awesome! @Satur9: My current wallpaper - Cap tells it like it is
  • 19:38:38: .@ RJSterling_USA Pfft. Hannity can talk to the hand.
  • 20:19:56: RT @TheNewDeal: #RetweetThis If You Think Sen. Coburn Should Be Fired for Helping to Set Up a Multi-Million $ 'Hush Fund' for John Ensig ...
  • 20:20:33: Amend that RT from @ TheNewDeal - replace 'fired' with 'indicted'
  • 21:32:25: RT @Wolfrum: This guy at the airport says "Jesus loves you," and I tell him "My parents tried to set me up with him but it didn't work out"

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