Like alligators....

Jan 26, 2008 01:09


Seriously people. Now is not the time to fuck with me. Nobody told the manager at GNC today that I'm 5'5" of hell when you piss me off. I'm not good at talking or expressing myself through writing. So when confrontation occurs I tend to be in denial it's happening and run away. Not today.
I politely told this guy to fuck off and he apologized.

I was returning this $45 dollar protein powder that tasted like HOT OPEN ASS. All i wanted was the strawberry version. That's it. An even exchange.

"Are you the guy that keeps returning things?!!!!!" He asks.

He proceeds to go APE SHIT on me and lecture me as he slams my product on the counter to do the exchange.
"I've returned things in the past here...yes."

He lectures me some more...accusing me of being a criminal. I stand there in disbelief that this is actually happening. 10 seconds of silence go by.

"I'd like to remind that I AM A CUSTOMER who is UNHAPPY with the product I PAYED FOR. I will return things I do not like."

He interrupts me. Telling me they LOSE money from returns...blah blah. I talk louder and shut it down.
"Yes I've returned things here in the past. This protein powder is god awful and expensive. I can't believe how confrontational you are being. Your unprofressionalism is apalling. I've worked in retail my whole life and there is no excuse for this."

So he says sorry gives me his business card. "You aren't going to return this again are you?"
I say have a good day.
I call their corporate office, file a complaint, contact the district manager and file a complaint with the BBB. Don't fuck with this fag this year.

A part of me wants to return this product just to piss him off.
I'm going to ask the district manager that I want him reprimanded or written up....and a letter of apology in writing signed by him. Maybe I'm overreacting but I was totally caught off guard by this guy.
It was like an elephant suddenly walked into the room. WTF!
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