Sherlock: The Reichenbach Fall Review

Jan 16, 2012 00:47

Just saw it. Cue incoherent rambling and speculation. :D

THINGS I LOVED BECAUSE I LOVED IT ALL (except the fact that no women are really badass except for Molly):

--Speaking of which...OH MY GOD HOW DID MOLLY DO IT?!?!?! I am so pleased that Sherlock confided in her. It makes up for her not being Moran.

--Here's how I think they orchestrated it: So they pulled an Irene, clearly...or something. Fake body, or a real body of a person who's already dead somehow made up to look like Sherlock. Molly's the one examining it, Sherlock must have orchestrated the guy to run John over, perhaps through the homeless network. Sherlock didn't jump at all but just pushed the fake body over the edge while John was distracted by something?

--Hmm. Or They pulled a Romeo and Juliet type of thing where Sherlock took something to make him go so still as to seem dead. They still deliberately knocked John out to cover the time difference between Sherlock pushing a dummy over the roof and coming down himself to take its place--that's why Sherlock was so adamant that John stand in exactly that position, the one he had told the biker to come to. And Molly's still the one examining the body.

--EDIT: New theory, and I think this one's the most likely. There's also, like, a truck with a flatbed with garbage in front of the body on the ground. Perhaps Sherlock timed the rubbish truck to be there just at the right moment to jump into it? But it would have to be filled with inflatable things or something to really cushion the fall. So Sherlock falls into the truck and throws a bloody dummy on the ground, and at that moment the bike rider crashes into John. So I think Sherlock used the time John was knocked out to get out of the truck, dump something like blood all over himself, and play dead (or actually take something so he would have no pulse). The truck would have blocked the assassin's view of the body, too. And Mycroft could have paid the paramedics to keep John from looking too closely at the body and to not take Sherlock to the hospital. I didn't see them putting him into an ambulance; it looked like they were taking him down an alleyway, actually. Oh, duh, they were already at the hospital, weren't they? I really want other people's speculation now. :D

--EDIT again: Apparently that plant Sherlock mentions and we see a picture of, rhododendron ponticum, can cause temporary paralysis--or at least it does in the Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movie! So perhaps that's what Sherlock uses to make himself seem dead.

--Ugh, my speculating was getting too unwieldy. I have now made a separate Post-Reichenbach Speculation Post.

--The music in this. Oh, it was a character in and of itself. Just gorgeous.

--That jury lady's kids. Are the Cabbie's kids. From the first episode. Totally. See caffienekitty's review here for screencaps. It's totally true. *mind blown*

--THE HANGING DUDE. John just ignores him. TROLOLOL...EDIT: WAIT. NO. OH MY GOD. The hanging dude is the dummy that Sherlock uses to fool John for a moment. That's it. That's why it was there. I need Moriarty calling me a dufus now...but then again it might be a red herring. It could be that there is something to do with masks, like Moriarty or his employee captured the kids wearing a Sherlock mask. Then Sherlock could have a similar mask made and put it on Moriarty's body and toss that overboard...there are too many theories...

--Sherlock ritualistically putting on his scarf and coat like armor as he prepares to be arrested. And how in order to be "unlike" himself in interviewing the girl, he puts his collar down, lol. I love how this Sherlock just has one disguise (himself, hiding in plain sight), which he uses so fluidly.

--Did you see John's limp returning? And the military stance at the graveyard? Oh, John. The grief is just so real.

--Mycroft's "John, I'm sorry. Tell him, would you?" *gulps* Oh God.

--Is anyone else mildly alarmed that Sherlock can recognize mercury by taste?

--Sherlock's life history that Mycroft fed piecemeal to Moriarty. I want to know it. I want to know it all.

--John: "Nope, friends protect people" as Sherlock engineers (?) a call to get him out of the picture and what he thinks is Jim's line of fire...

--Jim is so grateful to have someone who is just like him. On another note, he should feel hono(u)red: when he knew Jim was coming, Sherlock got dressed and made him tea in a nice tea set (so he can make tea; John would be interested to know this), then served it to him, almost like a geisha or something. And I enjoyed the power play of Jim not sitting in John's chair but Sherlock's.

--I am going to need so much Jim/Sherlock in the future. I mean, did you see Sherlock's face when he saw the elaborate Richard Brook backstory Jim had concocted? It was like stupefied awe and boiling hatred mixed together in the same pot. :)

--I love the British way of saying "privacy," hee hee. And I love the way Sherlock says "please." "One moment of privacy. Please." *sob* Actually, though, I didn't even tear up watching this. I was too busy trying to figure out how they'd engineered it...EDIT: Ah, there it is. On my third watch-through the tears came. I guess I stopped trying to deconstruct it and just went with what John was going through instead.

--Sorry, I have to go re-watch it. Like right now. I am so gleeful at the moment, and just astounded by Sherlock crying. That was some of the best acting I've seen in my life. My God, Benedict Cumberbatch. :DDDD


--Here, have some gorgeous spoilery art.

bbc sherlock fandom, benedict cumberbatch appreciation

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