Aug 12, 2008 22:39

Title: A Stretch of the Imagination
Author: iamshadow
Ship: Ron/Harry
Word Count: 100 + title
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Ron doesn't quite believe his eyes.
A/N: Written for knic26 for guessing my story, The Inevitable Hour, in weasley_fest '08.

You asked for Ron/Harry and the Olympics! It's nothing deep and meaningful, but I hope you like it. :)

“You’re telling me they’re Muggles?” Ron was highly skeptical.

Harry’s response was patient. “Yes, Ron.”

“Even that one?” A gymnast on the television screen was receiving his scores for the high bar.


“That’s impossible. He got his legs right up over his…" Ron shook his head. "Someone off to the side hit him with a Rubber-Bones Hex. Must have.”

“Nope. Just lots of training.”

“So, it’s common? This… bendiness?” Ron asked, after a pause.

“Not like that. But regular people can get a lot more stretchy if they do exercises like yoga.”

Ron thought of the possibilities, and grinned.

drabble, gift!fic, pg, ron/harry

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