Title: My Sweet Prince
iamshadowShip: Charlie/Percy
Word Count: 3,061
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Anonymous/casual sex. Weasleycest.
Summary: Disguises, desires, and the crossing of uncrossable lines.
A/N: Written for
weasley_fest '08.
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That said, I'm really glad you liked it! The original prompt I worked from on this one was something along the lines of 'Charlie sees Percy in disguise and falls in love with him'. I decided to take that a little bit further, and have them both concealing their identities. They are attracted to each other purely because of qualities they possess, not because of their genetics. They haven't intentionally gone into this encounter with open eyes, knowing how forbidden it is. This is the ultimate in anonymous sex, and were it not for the familiar scar on Charlie's forearm, they would have both gone away at the end never knowing who they'd slept with.
Early plans for this fic had both of them discovering each other's identities, either during or after, but that would have made it far too dark and conflicted for the recipient's wishes. So I chose just to have Percy work it out, and gave him a little moral dilemma to wrestle with. He chose to continue, because he knew in his heart that they'd gone too far for backing out to make any difference.
Yeah, probably the best example is Charlie. On the scene, he loves those reserved, shy, slightly stiff Ministry types, but when he's thinking about Percy the next morning, all he thinks is what a prude he is (despite the fact that he typifies of what he looks for, sexually).
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