Title: Miscommunication
iamshadowShip: Ron/Harry
Word Count: 871
Rating: PG
Warnings: BIG Fight! Oh Noes!
Summary: Ron behaving badly.
A/N: Just one big, dialogue heavy scene this time. Mid October.
The Teapot 'verse Series
Chapter List HERE Future Fics HERE Teapot Cookie Fics HERE (
Miscommunication )
Comments 42
Another excellent installment.
Harry can't stand the way Ron's been lashing out at the people around him. Hurting George by walking out is the last in a long line of bad behaviours I'd imagine have been going on for weeks.
Ron is frustrated and furious at Harry for making him feel the way he does. I don't think he's disgusted by it, or anything like that. It's just something Ron doesn't need right now and doesn't know how to deal with. He's just starting to live as an adult. He's helping to run a business, getting chewed out by mail by his girlfriend who's hundreds of miles away, and he's still grieving for his brother. Plus, the person he's been fantasising about, masturbating thinking of and probably dreaming about isn't just nearby, he's in the same room. Right there, two steps and he's close enough to touch. Sleeping right beside him ( ... )
AND I cannot wait for the next part....!!
Once the shock wears off and he starts thinking again at all, of course.
!!! Never say that Ron's not a Gryffindor. Wow.
I am getting spoiled. A Remus/Sirius and a Harry/Ron by you in one afternoon? I'm gagging for more.
And having Ron kiss him meant I didn't have to write any awkward "er, I fancy you" dialogue! *dances* *is smart*
Gagging in a good way, I hope!
Of Wolf and Man is probably going to be a weekly thing. That'll give me plenty of time to get my groove on and get back into writing it. I've been kinda stuck for over a week on a certain scene.
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