Ahh, the rare journal post. I feel that it's pretty much clear that I don't use this thing all too often.
Well I'm updating now because it's 12:22, Danny and I went to bed at 11 and I can't sleep. Actually I just can't shut my brain off. See, I got into this car accident about a week ago on the thirteenth. Most of you probably don't know about it but in short I was really lucky to have walked away with only minor injuries. More information can be found at
Ever since then I've been sleeping like crap. Sometimes because of nightmares, which have pretty much faded, but tonight it's because I just can't shut my fucking brain off. No matter what I do I can't get it to shuttup. I'm writing about it here because my psych teacher says it's a good idea. Hopefully this focusing will help my brain to shut up.
I'm really not feeling well so I think I'll take a little more Lamictal and go lay back down. See you all later.