Huge Delima! Need Advice!

Jul 26, 2009 11:38

So I have this huge delima, and its a big decision for me to make, and I have like a week to make it. I didn't get my finincial aide application in in time for this school year, so chances are that I won't get aide for schooling. I cannot afford to pay for shcool out of my pocket right now either. I also  signed a lease for an apartment at the end of last years school year, but I have not put any money down for it yet.
I am going to Greeley tomorrow to find out if cancleing my lease is still a possibily and to see what I can do about my aide.

I have pretty much decided that if I don't get aid, but have to stay in my appartment I will try and find a job up there and just catch up on things. but I was also told that if I don't go to school then I will have to start making payments from last years loans. If I end up being able to get out of my apartment and not being able to get aide I think I will stay down in Elizabeth and take a year off and stick with the two jobs that I have.

But if i am able to get finincial aide there is the decision on if I still want to take a year off of college. I am still not sure what I want to do with my life, and I am not sure if I am making the right decision by going to school questioning my major. I don't want to spend a bunch of money on school and it end up not being what I want to do. I am going to finish school, don't get me wrong, I have all intentions of graduating from college, but Im not sure if I am going to finish at UNC, or with what major.

I am really leaning toward taking a year off, but Im still  not sure.  Any advice?
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