Thespian Confrence

Dec 02, 2007 14:02

WAS A BLAST! It was so much fun. Michael and I did awesome on our scene and Jessie and Michael did awesome on their song!!!

I was freaking out a lot about the scene, and when we were running it in the hotel, somehow we skipped to the end and missed a HUGE part, and then I thought it was him that messed up, so we spent 40 minutes trying to figure out what went wrong, turns out, it was me. lol. So we back tracked on it, and I still couldnt remember the line I was suppose to say. Just my luck that I forgot the script in Mr. T's room.  but we still worked it out. We still did great, that kid gave me so much confidence. I still feel bad that I was really freaking out about it. *blushes*

Their song was amazing, those two always blow me away. :)

The play productions from UNC and DSA were AMAZING! hopefully one day I will be part of the troupe of UNC, and possibly perform for the confrence. that would be soo much fun!

Its fun to go and be around 3,000 people that like the same exact things as you do. Their were 3,000 thespians at this confrence this year, and it was just cool. :)

It was just so much fun! Im sad that it was our last one because were seniors. :(

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