I was just walking along, minding my own business when all of a sudden...

Apr 26, 2005 19:18

Ok, today is a series of random events....kinda. I walked Julie to school, as is our habit. Upon arrival, i told her I would likely just go to school right after because I did not feel like my normal game of DDR. Well, then I dropped her off and remembered, I have to get some cash so that I can go to her concert next weekend. No prob. I stop by the Union to get some cash and decide, "Well fuck it, I am here and I need some breakfast too, so I may as well play a short game to get me going. So I played my game, then went to BK and saw Gaw. We started chatting since we have not seen eachother in a while. We walk by the redwood room, where CSUS is having a blood drive. I say "Hey, I am gonna do it!" I walked in and the npromptly wimped out. Gaw thaught that was funny. I went to Java City and got my usual peach javalanche, and then decided FUCK IT! I went in there determined to give blood. My reasons were as follows (though not in this order of priority): If Julie can do it, so can I; I pray to Warrior Gods and they must be laughing at my fear of a needle; and I need to pove to myself that I can do this. FYI, I have a HUGE fear of needles. I hate them....a lot. Espescially the fatty ass blood drawing needles. Those are to me what Camel Spiders are to a hardcore arachnaphobe. So anywho, I go in, fill out the paper work and then give blood. By now it is 10:50. So, I start walking back towards Julie's class so I can show her what I did, much lik a small child looking for praise from a loved one. She saw me when I was about 15 feet from her and was in utter shock and disbeliefe that I had actually given blood. She was so proud of me and that made the whole needle thing worth it. I walked (slowly) with her to the donation center and she gave blood too. By the time she was done, it was about 5 minutes before her class started and we chose rather to go home and sleep. Now, it was while I lay on her bed that I admitted to having lied in the blood center...when they asked me if I had eaten yet, I said I was fine. Truth is, I went in on an empty stomach (but for what it's worth, my stomach contained a glass of chocolate milk)and that, I learned, is a BAD idea. I was so wiped out till about a half hour ago. She, in her kindness, actually made us some mac-n-cheese and brought it to me in bed where I sat up and feebly ate the food. I was not doing very well with this, but she seemed to be doing just fine. Then again, this was her 4th time and only my first. So that was my day. I ended up taking a whole day off from school and resting after giving blood. Woohoo!

As an end note: Raven, what I would like your help with is a rune field. I want to make that an also a few other simple things that I'd rather discuss in person.....
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