Jan 29, 2008 05:21
1) Yes, my darlings, you can, in fact, damage a rib through excessive coughing. Everybody say "Yea!" for my freaky gumby-disorder and all of my easily damaged flexible parts! Its all better now, plus I got to slack off at work for a few weeks whilst I recovered.
Oh, and my gnawed-upon buttock is all better too. Except for the "fang marks" which seem to be a permanant fixture. No -- there will be no pics.
2) Newly added to the list of pharmaceuticals that I am seemingly immune to is .... drumroll please ... Vicadin! Two happy pills and a glass of wine -- and nothing. Seriously, Vicadin should be mint-flavored, just like the Tic-Tacs that my body seems to think they are. mmmmm .... minty .... If one has to be in pain, one's breath should at least be fresh.
3) Clamato. Clamato makes an energy drink, "Clamato Energia," to be precise. mmmm ..... caffeinated, taurinated, clam-inated tomato juice. Be glad that I don't ave any of your street addresses -- I live within walking distance of a pack-and-ship joint.
4) It is exceedingly difficult to boil your own tongue. (see item number three) If Vicadin were minty, this would not be a problem. If Vicodin were actually effective AND minty, I would drink Clamato Energia as my caffeinated beverage of choice.