Mar 20, 2011 19:42
Did some shopping, really needed new jeans. Why the fuck is GAP so fucking expensive AND YET PRACTICALLY THE ONLY PLACE I CAN FIND JEANS THAT SOMEWHAT FIT? I should not have to pay that much for jeans, jfc.
Also picked up my comics. Chances are high that I'm just gonna get the Infestation issues I don't have off IDW. DWD #10 is the weakest issue yet, which isn't saying much, given none of them have been weak until this.
I want to see Femme Appeal and Fiona Fox snark at each other. Just sayin'.
AND I picked up Okamiden. I am excite. Of course, as soon as I dig out my DS, I realize it needs charging. Ah well. At least I started it.
Man, I'm gonna perpetually have school stuff to do. I need to start English, need to study for chem tomorrow, need to study for women's studies for Wednesday, and I also need to start my paper in that class as well. All I plan on doing tonight is just chem studying, tho.