Well, dad's in the hospital again. That was almost 1. Mum's still not home (she drove him). He was at one of his regularly scheduled doctors appointments when it was suggested he go to the ER to have some bowel pain looked at. Mum called about an hour later to say it'd be a while yet because they wanted to do a CAT scan and all.
So yeah. :\ Hopefully there's nothing wrong. He's been doing so well the past few weeks. I mean his...I do not remember the term at all, but on the weeks he's got chemo his hands get all tingly and uber-sensitive to cold, and he gets run down, and he can't taste sweet things, and stuff like that, and on his off weeks he's back to normal. It's an off week, and I was hoping he and I could finally get me out on the driver's testing course. Maybe that won't happen this week, then. Unless I convince mum to do it.
I'll do a TF2-day thing later. Finished Running with Scissors today. It's cute and quirky, and then you remember it's a memoir, and you go 'wtf is wrong with this boy's life everyone he knows is insane', so it's different, at least. Not bad at all. Gonna start Memoirs of a Geisha next. I could use more Trek books.
I knew it was ungodly hot today because I took the dog while mum waited for dad to come home to take him to the hospital and all, but I still decided to walk down to the plaza. I felt a little nauseous, and, of course, we were all out of regular Pepto. I refuse to touch the cherry stuff. I know I'm just gonna gag on that. So once I feel better (after finishing lunch and the first episode of Firefly--oh yeah, I needed some refresher to hopefully start writing something else soon enough) I go walk down to CVS, get a bottle of that, which is just a little too big to fit in the medicine cabinet, and while I was there I decided it was a good time to get a new brush (threw my old nasty one out) and hair ties (since I was using my last not-to-the-breaking-point one.
Speaking of writing, I dusted off
3fttotheleft, my writing comm back when everyone was for some reason making writing comms. I haven't used it since NaNo (WHICH YES I STILL NEED TO EDIT), but since I've been writing for the STXI kinkmeme, I got some stuff up there. I figure unless I do some other smaller stuff, the next to go up will be the Dollhouse one, whenever I get it finished, and I still should do a little linklist of all the kinkmeme replies I've done anonymously (in the Sonic one, too--I don't know if I filled any out on the TF one...but eh I'm not about to check).
Damn, I just remembered I was gonna see if anyone was hiring at the plaza. Bah, oh well. It's really intense out there. Not terrible in the shade, and the humidity's okay, and it's only in the low 80's, but it still feels miserable.
For the record, Karl Urban is hard to draw, and Bones is hard to draw as a kitten. Yes, I know from experience, and no, I don't feel like explaining how it is that I know.
Anyway. Yeah, this day went off to an interesting start.