So a few days ago when I checked the VGCats site, there was a link to images of a possible
new Sonic game. I found them to be HOLYCRAPTHOSEGRAPHICSDOWANT (and lulz at that one hilarious pained face he makes), but ultimately, I'd forgotten to look up the title, had no idea if it was fanmade, whatever.
So my bro says to me today if I'd heard about Sonic Unleashed, and I went 'oh, I've seen pics of that, is that for real? I CAN HAZ AMAZING GRAPHICS NAOKTHNX?!?!' and he went 'whoa there, no, you're not going to like this; it's the biggest abomination to the Sonic gaming fandom since Shadow the Hedgehog.'
I remembered to point out to him that I LIKED Shadow's game. :P
But he mentioned that it's become a big thing, it was leaked; nobody was meant to know about it yet, TBA kinda thing (although Wiki says they're shooting for this November?). And that the plot involved characters turning into werewolves. Cue my silence for a few moments. '...Wait, as in Sonic and the rest?'
Yes. Me: ...But...but they're already animals! And...WTF?! We don't need werehogs here! What...
So I went to find
the Wiki article and...erm. (How many worlds can Sonic visit, anyway? :\ Super Mario Galaxy this is not. But I digress.) I admit, I'm not sure what to think when it makes comparisons to the Sonic Rush games, as I've never played them.
I found the leaked footage, and...again, I'm extremely wary. I'm not sure how I feel about a 3D sidescroller. It looks good from here, but considering the speed, well... I know, getting back to roots, reinventing the franchise (I guess they're going to try it AGAIN after 2006 sort of...bombed), and hey, Sonic started out as a sidescrolling adventure. I just feel you'd probably have to make things simpler so you don't run smack into everything. I'm glad there are parts that take place behind the character. I've gotten so used to that. Like I said, not sure how I feel about it, but I can't properly judge yet.
...but those graphics look so good DDDDDDD: *grabby hands*
So we'll see...VERY wary...especially with the, erm, miniscule plot details we do have. Getting strong Secret Rings vibes from this, as in in the overall canon it really will have no bearings (like Secret Rings takes place all in the book, so characters and plots from that really have no meaning outside of that one specific game). We'll see...
IN ANY CASE, we went out to dinner. A Texas Roadhouse opened up a few months ago, and we've been meaning to go. It's one of those places that doesn't open until like 4. And the last time we tried to go, it was PACKED. We got in all right, though it got crowded in a hurry, and loud. HOWEVER, the place was AWESOME. The food was fantastic, and dude, yes, everything is bigger in, um, a slice of Texas. They had an electronic jukebox that was touchscreen. XD Country music of AWESOME~ Despite the wait we had for our food, we decided it was well worth it. Oh god I shouldn't have filled up on the bread. DDD: BUT THAT APPLE CINNI BUTTAH CALLED TO ME. Mum was all 'your eyes are fluttering' because I took a bite of HEAVEN. And the service was kind, really great. Got us refills without even asking, reading my bloody mind. XD
OH GOD THE LINE DANCING WAS THE BEST PART. Some song about buying a Mercury came on, and the lot of them lined up basically right in front of our booth. :P They started clapping and line dancing and while my bro thought it was stupid, I thought it was AMAZING and HILARIOUS and I wanted to join in. XD
IN BRAWL NEWS, I was this. fucking. close. to beating the 15-minute multi-man brawl. The closest I'd gotten was down to 3:30 minutes left. I was over 300%, but I just had to keep going before we left, I was so close. 2 seconds. 2 FUCKING SECONDS, and a fucking yellow bastard gets a smash in on me! I WAS SO PISSED YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW. And I hit my brother every time he mentioned it. >|
Team battles sucked this afternoon. << Playing Fox Fox vs Ike Ike, or...Ike Ike vs Ike Sonic...a lot of Ikes. And a lot of the same characters.
Speaking of Ike, he's the only one we need to do for the level 4 target smash. :| That one that's right across the gap, that is the one that'll give us the most trouble. Doing up-B, well, you're not gonna make it to the other side, I think, and side-B doesn't let you get off the edge, so I assume either we're not timing up-B quite right or that a regular attack will have to suffice followed quickly by up-B. He's so slow tho that I'm not sure if it'll really work...maybe I should find a youtube vid of someone doing it.