(no subject)

Mar 20, 2008 14:38

So we're not supposed to post at all tomorrow (GMT, I'm told) due to protest of LJ suckage and business disaster? Okay, sure, I'm all for that. I doubt there'll be anything IMPORTANT to say anyway.

Relaxing day. Math (right now) was a very, very easy Derive project. Nothing to do in English yesterday (because the teacher is still out), so I just read more World War Z. It's...god. It's terrifying. And I'm going to rec it to my gov/econ teacher, because there's a lot of stuff in here that I think he'd enjoy. I read two sections in a row dealing with fixing recession and producing a false/not-falsely-advertised thing and government and how they handled or didn't handle the zombie war. There's a lot of sociopolitical commentary in here. It takes place in the future--it's to be assumed that the war starts in the not too distant future from the now, and the book itself takes place about 10 years after the last declaration of victory. It's really interesting to read about how the world changed before the war and then after it, seeing how countries who view each other as enemies react and the like. I do a really crap job of describing this, but if zombies and/or politics and government interest you in the slightest, I think this would be a really good choice.

ARI POINTED SOMETHING OUT TO ME AT LUNCH FOR MY WRITING AND I WAS SO EXCITED THAT IT MADE THINGS A LITTLE MORE OH MY GOD. *_* Love~ I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO WRITE THIS IN, maybe some scene in the future, they meet each other again, or...or he's killed, and it's learned later from "comrades" of his ability...it still depends on what I'm gonna DO with him sitting in that cell. ._. I mean, to let him go...someone so high up in the ranks...though to keep him might mean bringing the full force down upon their heads...and while interrogation hasn't been working OH MY GOD WHAT IF HE'S JUST TRYING TO GET INFO THE WHOLE TIME oh man that makes me sad, he's so used ;; this person who turned his world inside out while making it make so much sense at the same time, the only two that truly understand in the miniscule place in the greater scheme they are...but then what was the point of interrogation if all you really had to do was--no, it makes sense, makes one possibly more willing to let the knowledge of whatever is needed rise in the mind. But I don't think he LET himself get captured, of course...that'd be stupid. And it wasn't for mindfuckage. Hm.

...Uh, sorry. ._. Got to rambling to myself. It makes sense to me, don't worry.

Hm, 4 day weekend, I think I'll go home and BRAAAAAWWWWWL. And perhaps watch a movie. I might watch a movie this weekend, if there's anything I really wanna see or if me and Ari get bored and just decide to see Horton or Jumper. STILL NEED TO GO SHOPPING OVER THE WEEKEND. Hell, I'll just windowshop, I mean, I just need to get out of the god damn house. Maybe see if I can try on dresses and ogle at expensive stuff at Hot Topic. Ha, did I mention Chris got an iPhone? He has a fucking iPhone. The other day we were talking about what epi Lost is on (tonight, I guess! almost forgot!), and he whipped that bad boy out and Wiki'd it. XD I have to admit, it was pretty sweet.

Well, no more to really say. The German students are leaving. A school receptionist is leaving. Um...yeah, I guess that's it. :D Catch y'all either later tonight with Lost-rantings or Saturday, I suppose! There's the bell~

rambling, school, weekend, writing

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