...The only homework I had tonight (due tomorrow, anyway) was math. Wow. My bookbag hasn't been this empty in quite some time. All the schoolwork I need to make up are tests and an in-class essay and whatever.
Okay, story time: 4th period, I finished making up a quiz and had open campus, so I figure I spend the rest of the period chilling in the senior lounge. Turns out like half the senior class is already in there. XD There wasn't anywhere for me to sit. And people were in front of the door so anyone coming in kept bowling people over. >> Heh. But I'd heard that teachers were coming in sometimes to check to see that the people in the room actually had OC. I go, whatever, I DO have OC, so. So I'm watching a game of Mario Kart 64 going on when the door SLAMS OPEN and Big Boss Man (he basically doles out discipline, and I don't really know the guy--just know that he is large in both senses and at times intimidating) yoinks out one of the guys immediately, telling him he's suspended. He didn't have OC. He looks around at us all and randomly pointing to people asking if they have OC, glares at the room, and leaves (with suspended guy in tow). About a minute later, a few of the other guys sneak out the other door--they didn't have OC. At the end of the period, a bunch of people got called to the office, and said people said 'yeah, I really SHOULDN'T be here, because I have OC...just not this period' and stuff. I spent my time playing Smash Bros. >> I mean, maybe half the people there didn't have OC. What the hell, guys, you're going to ruin everything for us. :|
I went shopping for pants. Because I seriously needed like a lot more ever since one got a gaping worn out hole in the ass, wtf. :| Really old pair that shouldn't've fit me anymore but always did. So mum takes some measurements, because we'd decided that maybe looking for guy pants would be better. APPARENTLY I AM SHORT GUYS. :| AND HAVE STUBBLY LEGS. Well, I knew all this, but still. XD So...we go to GAP first. Why Gap? Because I got a giftcard over Christmas for $25 there. I have never been into a Gap in my life. NOW I KNOW WHY--THE CLOTHES THERE ARE RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE. I mean, the only other place I shop where I have seen $60 pants? Hot fucking Topic. Except we are talking REGULAR JEANS HERE.
It didn't really matter, tho--the first pairs of pants I tried on fit. It was amazing. None of them were jeans tho, but the chick running the register was really awesome in helping me find a pair that would totally fit me. She pointed out the 'curvy' jeans and suggested a few sizes, and when those didn't work, she handed me a few pairs of some other types. Unexpectedly, the 'long and lean' jeans fit like fucking heaven. (Not as much heaven as this pair of DKNY jeans I found somewhere once and have never found again since, but close enough.) So I got a couple pairs there and then one from Sears.
Things found in the mall: toy-related magazine with Transformers Animated stuff on the front (all of which I've already seen, but damn that was still cool), individual-based scents for perfumes and cologne--like personality based, y'know? I tried on 'visionary', because that one seemed to smell the best, but they had 'lover' and 'natural' and cool stuff, even for guys. Also, Webkinz. Every. Fucking. Where.
...I felt like I had more to say. Oh well. *goes back to reading Heroes volume one*
Edit: for things I remember.
It appears as though things at ZOMG have been slowly deteriorating for some time now. It's...kind of sad to watch (yes, for some reason, I still watch the comm on my flist). I mean, I loved that place, but I had to get out and move on. Hate to say it, but it looks like I got out just in time.
Also, the only Oscars-related stuff I ended up talking about was arguing with Chris (after Ari told me what he thought and how he needed to be beaten) about how Transformers should have beaten out Golden Compass for...whatever visual effects award thing it apparently had been up for. POLAR BEARS WITH ARMOUR VS. GIANT FIGHTING ROBOTS. OH GEE I DUNNO LEMMIE THINK--DID THAT ROBOT'S ARM JUST TURN INTO A FUCKING HUGE PLASMA CANNON? IT DID. CAN THE BEARS DO THAT? Bears. Polar bears beat Giant Fighting Robots, and we can get CGI polar bears on Lost for Ra's sake. He did agree that it should've won whatever sound editing thing it'd been up for, but I care about that even less. Also, my brother totally ripped my head off when I mentioned TF. Hey, I know it sucks plot-wise and all it ever was was an attempt to make money off of stolen toys. But I like my special effects and my explosions, damn it, and I'm ENJOYING watching G1 and Animated. Leave me and Michael Bay, I LIKED ARMAGEDDON DAMN IT alone.
Also, I'm not quite sure what
Take Back America 2008 is, but damn if it doesn't look interesting.