Feb 14, 2008 12:16
By the way--my teachers are AWESOME. As in, yes, oh my god, yes, they are seriously made of all kinds of awesome. Especially, OF COURSE, my gov teacher. Econ paper? What econ paper? Worry? Pfft, nah. (Plus all of his NCIS referrences in his return e-mail made me Very Happy. I was gonna squee back to him like Abby. HE IS THE GIBBS TO MY ABBY, THAT IS HOW AWESOME HE IS.) Bio might cause a little worry for me, tho. The projects we have due next week have been moved up a day, and the one I know I can do mostly at home if I have to (and I will), but there's a computer one I dunno what to do about... English will be...interesting. I mean I have the schedule for what we're doing and covering and I have my book (cuz I still have something to present to the class GOODY), so it shouldn't be too much of a problem; it's just making up that timed essay.
:O Also how come nobody, not even my brother, gave me the idea to have a West Wing marathon anytime the past few days? (Or Doctor Who, or even Farscape--I have the first season and Peacekeeper Wars now.) But noooo, I sit flipping through boring things, watching Spongebob with dad, and Transformers via youtube. WELL I THINK I KNOW SOMETHING THAT NEEDS FIXING. I even had this plan to watch all the Christmas epis I have or holiday-related ones over Christmas and never did. I haven't seen "Noel" in forever, and we all know that's my fave. ;;
...It STILL bugs me that buying every season of West Wing (we only have the first 3, but to be honest, it's really not worth getting after 4) would cost less than every season of Enterprise. XD
Speaking of DVDs and Awesome Series upon it, I still need to take my gift cards and see what's left in them and see if Suncoast still has Yami no Matsuei and Heat Guy J complete series DVDs. Because I wantses them. And must have them.
I'm actually feeling better. Ish. I will be so happy when this has passed. Sleep really must come sooner or later. It probably would, too, if it weren't for this stuffy nose. I had a good theory going in taking some Sudafed this morning in hopes of clearing my coughing, aching, and sinus blockage. I even ate some nummy pears after that. But that, according to my bro, is just the problem. After. Like I should've eaten/had a full stomach before taking the suda-kill. Oh my god. I felt. so. sick. I was convinced I was going to vomit for like an hour; it was awful. I am soooo not doing that again. (And while my aches were gone, no, coughing is still there, and so's the stuffy.) 's worn off by now.
Aaaand Ari's sick. AGAIN. Like for the 20TH TIME this year. D: (But she still went for PSSA stuff. I should text her to see if she left at lunch like she was thinking of.)
The HOPE is that I will finally be well enough to go back to school tomorrow so that I'm not stuck heaving in the restroom half the day or passing out the other half. ...And yet, one must wonder how pointless it might be to go back for one day only to then have a 3-day weekend. Oh well. Once more, here's hopin'.
Watching ER in the mornings, tho. :D I've missed that. They're not even bad epis. Well, not that bad. They're not to the tremendously crappy ones yet, let's leave it at that. (Romano's still around, and his arm apparently came off only not too long ago.)
Well, I think I'll see if I can't get something more solid and dry (yes, yes, I'm still trying to keep my fluids up without spewing) to eat, then watch my bro do whatever he's doing in Fire Emblem.
Thanks to everyone's well-wishes! (Yes, even those teachers, even tho they don't/can't read my LJ.)
As a gift, I leave you with Mrs. Landingham and her awesomeness. *points to icon* I should pop in TCATW, ITSOTG, "Noel", and "Posse Commitatus" and be an emotional wreck. XD I wonder, if I referrenced Gibbs as 'Special Agent Sunshine' to my gov teacher, would he get the ref or just thing I'm poking fun at Gibbs?
my teachers are awesome,
west wing,
bartlet for america,
mrs. landingham does not approve