(no subject)

Feb 11, 2008 15:46

1. When did you start watching?
2005, when the show was relaunched

1a. Why?
I dunno--DW was always one of those shows I'd always wanted to watch (one of those Brit shows, y'know, like LoM and Blake's 7 and Red Dwarf). And it was coming back, so I got excited, started watching.

2. What was your first episode?

3. Which episodes have you seen?
All of Nine, all of Ten (except for "Voyage of the Damned", a handful of Four, all of Five, Eight (if you count the movie as an epi), and a handful of One.

3a. Favourite?
Hard to say. I think I'mma go with...damn. "Human Nature"/"Family of Blood", because I respect any episode(s) that make me cry (especially every time I watch them), much like "Parting of the Ways", another fave. Like hell are you gonna make me choose one. "Dalek" was amazing. CAN YOU TELL I AM CURRENTLY BIASED TOWARD NEW!WHO? XD

4. Are your friends/family interested in the show?
Family. Mum especially. Dad a bit. My bro dropped out about mid S2, I think? He at least skipped all of S3 and is annoyed at the Return of the Master plot. I did know a British kid at my school who was a general sci-fi fan, and Ari is at least interested in it. We've watched a few epis.

5. Which Doctor is your favourite?

6. Which Doctor is your least favourite?
Considering I haven't seen 'em all, that would be unfair. What I have seen of Six (scenes, clips, etc., but not whole epis) I am not a big fan of, but I really can't say.

7. Which TV companion is your favourite?
Nyssa. And Adric.

8. Which TV companion is your least favourite?
From what I have seen, Rose. Actually, would it be fair of me to say Donna? S4 hasn't started yet, but I detested her when she was on. So I'll say Donna, then--no, not Rose, TEGAN. Good god, how did I forget the loathing that is Tegan? Now, before anyone jumps me, the reason I said Rose is because...well. I did enjoy her at first. But upon many rewatchings, I have come to the conclusion that all through S1, she had a distinct lack of common sense. I did enjoy her more independent spirit through S2, but I do have to admit that fandom had influenced me. Also, STOP CRYING EMO COMPANION. Tegan was just annoying with a suitcase full of STFU. So for the sake of argument, Donna.

9. Do you listen to the Big Finish audios?
No. I tried one (guess what IT WAS SIX XD), but I was Not Impressed. (However, audiobooks are a-okay by me. Go fig.)

9a. If so, which is your favourite?

9b. Also: which Big Finish companion is your favourite?

10. Have you listened to any non-Big Finish audios?
Again, do the audiobooks count? XD

10a. If so, which is your favourite?

11. Have you read any of the novels or short stories?
Yeah, a couple. Some of Nine, one of Shalka!Nine (there was in fact a short story written about him). I've also been meaning to read Lungbarrow for the longest fucking time, but I have not yet done so. Also listened to a couple of Ten's audiobooks.

11a. Have you written any of the novels or short stories?
WTF, that would be AWESOME, but no way in hell. XD

11b. Which is your favourite?
Can't honestly say.

12. Have you read any of the comics?
Sadly, no. Hot Topic was supposed to have the new one with Ten'n'Martha, but I didn't see it last time I was there (but did in fact forget to look specifically for it).

12a. You guessed it - which is your favourite?

13. Do you watch any of the spinoffs (e.g. Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures)?
TORCHWOOD. And...no others.

13a. Which is your favourite?
:P Since I've only seen TW...

14. Is there any particular episode/book/audio/comic you desperately want to watch/listen to/read?

1. Do you write fanfic for Doctor Who?

1a. If so, post a snippet of a work-in-progress (or several)!
I don't think I have any WIPs...unless my stuff with Adonna counts.

2. Do you create Doctor Who icons?

2a. Let's see a sample!

3. Recommend a fanfic/icon/fanvid/fancomic/fancreation!
http://fluffnfreckles.livejournal.com/3986.html I posted one of the most FUCKING AMAZING music vids I have ever fucking seen in any fandom ever here.

4. Have you been to any Doctor Who conventions?
;; Not yet.

5. Have you ever dressed up as a Doctor Who character?
I've attempted Nine. :P Without, uh, buying anything new. So I sort of came out as some uber-sexy!biker!femme!Nine. XD What, not-leather pants, not-leather black jacket (studded), red top with a dip at the breast, and my black boots. SO SORT OF. ISH.

6. Do you own any Doctor Who merchandise?
DVDs, a couple books, a Jack Harkness action figure.

7. Are you a fan of Russell T Davies?
No. Hell no. Get RTD the fuck away from me. Yeah, okay, yeah, he brought the show back, and PotW was Massively Awesome even through some of its incredulous moments, but every single finale after that has failed. And most of the epis he writes nowadays fail. He failed after S1.

7a. Steven Moffat?

7b. Paul Cornell?

8. What say you to Season 6b?

9. The UNIT dating controversy?
Does it really matter?

10. The Blinovitch Limitation effect?
...Oh wow. That's...something I don't actually think I've heard of before. Or at least can't remember. And I'mma be lazy and not look it up now.

11. Multi-Doctor episodes?
HELL FUCKING YES. I'm still waiting for Nine to come back.

12. What's your favourite Doctor Who technobabble?
Geez, that's way hard. Possibly "reverse the polarity of the neutron flow". Or the "spatio-temporal hyperlink" aka magic door.

13. Have you watched other TV shows exclusively because of the presence of Doctor Who actors?
YES. Well. Movies and miniseries, mostly. I didn't start watching LoM because of Simm. :P But Casanova, and Blackpool, and oh my god The Second Coming. I WILL get that on DVD someday due to its FUCKING AWESOME.

14. Have you met any of the actors?
;; No.

14a. Travelled to any filming locations?
Heh, no. Unless New York counts.

15. What do you think of The Curse of Fatal Death?

16. Do you have any fannish opinions that you think are fairly unpopular?
My dislike of Rose. My hatred of Jack/Ianto (okay, that's TW, BUT STILL). Which means I guess my love of Jack/Suzie and Ten/Suzie goes in there too. XD I enjoyed the movie--okay, well, it was brain-breaking as hell and sucked? But after halfway through, I found it amusing. Tho I prolly lost all brain cells by then. OKAY FINE THE FACT THAT I LIKE EIGHT. Doctor (any of them)/Rose =/= OTP 4 EVAH, and neither is Doctor/Martha. My hatred of Donna (and of Catherine Tate in-general). My love of Adric. That's...all I can really think of at the moment.

17. What's your favourite pairing?
Nine/Ten, Nine/Shalka!Nine, any Doctor/any Doctor (STFU, self-cest is win), Doctor/Master, um...I'm never too keen on Doctor/companion ships, but Nine/Jack (don't care for Ten/Jack). There are...probably a bunch of others I am totally missing tho. :P

18. What pairing(s) won't you touch with a really long pole?
Mind you, I used to like Nine/Rose until fandom came and fucked it up. So, Doctor/Rose. Not ever, no way, no how. Batchippers had better stay well away from me. Or they will be mocked. Mercilessly. (Hey, if you like them, go ahead, but I mean, batchippers.)


Also, THIS PERSON wins--Atlantis-related, from "Trio".

Aaaand now I'm gonna...take s'more Tylennol and then watch "Thrill of the Hunt" for the fucking bajillionth time, because I haven't in the past week or two, and that's just not right.

atlantis, meme

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