Dude? It is SO awesome to get Lost again. Like I've been singing for seasons now, it's not 'you all'--it's totally "Fuck Yeah, Everybody"~
And better yet, it was a HURLEY episode. Fuck yeah indeed!
And FLASHFORWARDS! And...why would you do that to a Camero, dude. D: Ari will not be pleased.
And VANTAGE POINT! Which, yes, I've wanted to see since I saw previews months and months and fucking months ago.
And...I...still don't get Eli Stone. But I'm not sticking around for the Oceanic message. It's probably about how they're restarting their site and their everything doing flights to character hometowns and stuff. If not, well, I'll find out about it in like an hour, yeah? :P
DUDE. Okay, so, yesterday I noticed with the Lost logo-ing, you ever notice how the reflection of the Island in the water is a city? Yeah. What's up with that? Looking Glass, anyone? (As in the metaphor/book, not the finally-flooded Charlie's tomb place.)
Also, oh noez, it sounds like Locke's group runs into trouble. D: Which sucks. Cuz I luff Locke. Always have, always will. Always hated Jack, always will. Always loved Hurley, always will. Always hated Kate, always will.
Oh, and the hour before that, with Benry boy narrating. XD That gave me great lulz. And excitement watching the corner tick the minutes down.
*hugs Lost Numbers shirt s'more*
Jack was an ass. Kate was moronic and annoying. All seems right with the world. Someone needs to kill Ben. I mean, Benry boy here is AWESOME. But I'm surprised nobody's killed him yet. XD
HOLY FUCKING SHIT DUDES WTF JACOB?! Was...is Hurley special? Or was he having a weirdly lucid moment in his crazy? Or was it something...LOCKE-induced? Since he WAS around... BUT WHO WAS IN THERE WITH JACOB? EYEBALLZ~~~
WTF CHARLIE DEAD BUT VISIBLE BUT DEAD. Prolly telling him 'dude go back to the island'. Totally thought it was supposed to be Liam at first. XD
Weird black dude. D: ...I totally thought he said his name was something like Mister Eko again. XD But...
What secret are the Oceanic Six hiding?
Why are there only 6?
Who are the other 3? (We've got Jack, Hurley, Kate--I ASSUME one died (dies?) in Jack's flashforward. I still say it's either Sawyer or Locke.)
HOW will we die? Why? What are these people after? The Island's special properties? To erase all knowledge of the Island?
Hurley was made of awesome and win. He's grown a lot in just one episode. Became a leader figure. Was so fucking adorable crying with Claire. ;; AND THE CANNONBALL. HOW AMAZING. WAS THAT. XD I love that guy SO MUCH.
Guy that mentioned ol' AnaLu. Fucking. AnaLu. Daaaaamn hated her.