Dec 19, 2007 23:18
...It doesn't seem possible that it's over.
(Oh, it's far from over--the fans are still fighting, and I WILL send some damned Rice-a-fucking-Roni. That'll be going on mum's grocery list next week. Or if/when I take out all that cash to spend on myself and anime box sets and comics, use it to buy like 20 fucking boxes of the shit. Petitions. Etc. It's not over 'til the last fan stops fighting--or at least until NBC goes 'oh hey guys, there's no chance of this ever coming back'.)
I think they could've just ended it on Liv going "it feels like it's going to be a while" and just...left it at that. Because that was perfect.
I just wanna hug these people and cry. Seriously, I just kinda wanna cry.
I love this show. I love this show so damn much that I wonder what it is that made the ratings so low. (Strange enough, the ratings for Life were just as 'bad', and yet look what's being brought back. I guess mum DID pass her curse onto me--that's one of HER shows, but one of MINE gets canned. XD; ) Was it the timing? They had a good lead-in with Heroes, but I never go with lead-ins. Was it the premise? Was it lack of advertising? But I love this show; it's so damn amazing; it's fucking awesome; it's deep and involved and connecting and emotional and mysterious and sci-fi but down to earth. It's practically everything you could ever want in a show: action, drama, romance, comedy, mystery, sci-fi, a cute lead, an amazing cast, relatable likable flawed characters. Remember way back when when I said it was like Quantum Leap for the next generation? Yeah. Still mean it. I mean, QL? A-ma-zing. Journeyman? A-MA-ZIIIIING.
I have a JM header. And a few icons. Maybe I should...
Also, another reason I wish to high hell we had BBC America--they're showing Torchwood's next season the same time as the Beeb. *grabby hands at trailer*
end of an era