Who wins at failing? :D That's right! I just stuffed something random into babelfish to translate into Spanish for a project due today, and I'm not even sure if it's really what she wants. I think she's expecting a bunch more, but...or a first person description kind of thing, but oh well. I'll fix it up during study hall.
Also during study hall: math homework and health paper to fill out which'll probably take up quite a bit of time so I'm obviously going to be skipping lunch again to do that, damn.
Have off school tomorrow for elections. BOOYAH. (Which means less time to do chem project, boo, but maybe I can do my health project then or something--needs to be done SOMEtime this week). And next Monday, yeah? Still, I forsee today as being major suck. That's all right, though. I can handle one day of procrastination, laziness, and suck at schoolwork for a day off.
My brother's here, all nice and adult-ly and graduated with a chem major and political science minor. :D So now I get to bother him all day!
Pretty much I was alone most of the day yesterday. Well, 'alone' as in nobody at home but me and the pup. Had the chorus concert, went well enough, got back home around 4:30, then went down to the dollar tree to get mum a card, a cute little statuette thing, and some chocolate. Because damn it, I wanted to get her SOMEthing.
Oh boy, you know what'll help my day even MOAR? :D Heroes. HEROESHEROESHEROES. And even tho it's a badbadbad idea, I just joined
nine_wonders with Nine. You should've seen my uber-snarky app. XD And yay, he and Peter get to continue their knowing each other from
theatrical_muse! :D