Feb 13, 2007 16:20
As of...right now, I haven't had anything to eat all day. Somehow, I'm perfectly content with a chocolate milk and Pepsi. This shall certain change depending on what we have for supper.
It's been snowing heavily all day. People are pretty certain we won't have school tomorrow. I just don't want to have to make shit up on Monday, really. Oh, but today, it was made of suck. D: Mostly because of chem, which I won't go into.
...I mentioned to mum that snowflakes are hexagonal because of hydrogen bonding in H2O molecules. Yes, like physics and English, everything also reminds me of chemistry.
Fuck it.
SO, yeah, today, not very good day. At least everyone in gym thinks I'm a DDR mastah.
All I'm really doing tonight is watching NCIS and continuing trying to explicate The Raven. Mmmmm, Poe. Should read more House of Leaves. That book will eventually drive me 100% insane, which is awesome. I bet you I'll be paranoid for the duration of my reading it.
Mmm, finding random Nine/Ten on my dA watchlist is great. It just goes to show that a little bit of self-cest goes a looong way. ...Is it bad I've gotten the urge to ask mum if she would think Nine'n'Ten making out would be hot? << I think I still have some Peter Davidson sitting on my comp somewhere. I should finish it all if I haven't and download me a little One, Three, and Seven. Maybe some Six. Maybe some Two, Van loves him so much. I think I should rely more heavily on youtube, tho. So many gigabytes, so little space. I really wants me s'more One, tho. :D
i suck,
doctor who