How life has been. (Warning: Heavy issues, may be TMI)

Jun 29, 2020 20:22

I understand if people don't wish to read this due to heavy content but I figured i'd write out what i've been dealing with somewhere lately.

Lengthy post behind the cut. )

updates, friends, brian, relationships, life, health

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littlemask July 5 2020, 09:33:01 UTC
I've been where you are. I made a new local friend and slowly we talked about things. When they got depressed I'd give them advice and once I was home I'd try to remember what I'd told my friend and since I don't want to be a hypocrite I listened to myself. Also, I knew that new friend of mine would miss me at least so, for their sake and to set a good example for them, I had to continue on and try to get better at life.

I don't know who you might be able to confide in since everyone's distancing themselves like that but maybe you can write a letter to one of your friends of what you'd tell them if /they/ were feeling the way you do about things. Sort of a "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" kind of thing but if we really don't have anyone to turn to what else can we do?

I'm glad you still have your two birds at least. All these years, at all my worst times, I was forced to stick around for the sake of my cats because I knew that no one else would care for them the way I did. I hope you can keep hanging in there for your own sake but if that's not enough motivation then I hope the birds will help give you a small light to keep looking to when everywhere else seems dark.


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