Happy 2016 + My Computer Died. D:

Jan 04, 2016 09:53

I hope everyone had a decent New Year's! Mine wasn't very good though since my computer had a hard drive failure late in the afternoon on December 31st. Spent hours trying to fix it,even with the help of my friend/roomate. Couldn't do it. :c

The part of the hard drive that contains Windows is the part that failed,so I couldn't even boot it up one last time to try to get my files off of it. We did that chkdsk thing but it didn't move from the one spot for over 12 hours...so he turned it off. That is something you're not supposed to ever do I later found out so that finished off the computer prettymuch.

I rely on my computer alot for anything internet based so I couldn't do anything for the next few days, I borrowed his computer a little but I could only do that while hes at work. So after 6pm,nope.  Our (my mom and I's) finanical position is alot different now than when I got that computer (a Dell Inspiron 1440) so I had to shop for alot cheaper computers.

I found a computer at Best Buy that was a bit stronger than my old one that was on sale for $379 so thats what we went with. It's a bit more than what we can really spend but hopefully it will last as long as the Inspiron did (about 6 years). It's a Hp Pavillion with a larger screen. Going to take apart the old computer and sell any parts we can since only the harddrive had failed.

I really don't like Windows 10 and may buy a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate with birthday money if I get any in March.  Guess i'll see. This computer can't really connect to the internet upstairs like my old one did so I may have to buy a signal booster. My 3DS has had the same problem since we got a gateway from Comcast.

I lost almost all my photos and pictures saved over the years so I guess i'll have to start over again. The hard drive still has those files inside it but I just don't know how to get to them, and I can't pay someone to retrieve them. So yeah,that's how the year has started for me. @_@

Hope everyone else had their New Year's go a little better!

computer, holidays, life

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