Tips for making friends if you're a furry/nerdy type of person?

Feb 28, 2015 18:07

I'm starting to kind of wonder if I have developed social anxiety or something simular. v_v I really don't have anyone to hang out with in person often.

I was taken to a local furmeet back in december by a friend because they thought it would help me make more friends. It actually ended up making me feel worse. I tried really hard to be friendly but while others were arranging to do stuff after the meet or talk online after,no one at all talked to me after unless I talked to them first. It doesn't help that I think the one guy couldn't even tell that I was a girl seeing as they refered to me as "person". =/

Now I just kind of feel a sense of sadness if anyone mentions social gatherings like that to me.  I don't really know where to find non hobbyist type groups to make friends, and people tend not to want to hang out with you if you don't have money to eat out and stuff.

I kind of avoid trying to meet up with online people that I don't know well/am definately friends with because its just too hard for me. My mom gets mad at me and calls me a shut-in but we are struggling to even buy food at times anymore. Why get after me when i'm not costing any money?

Does anyone have any advice for this kind of stuff? I don't really necessairily want to hang out with people who don't have an interest in nerdy/anime/animals/furry stuff because they may just think of me as weird. I speak quietly and am self concious.

I like having some time alone but I don't like it when days just run together and I don't get to leave the neighborhood for days and days at a time.

feelings, friends, life

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