(no subject)

Jan 22, 2015 17:56

Lately I haven't had that much energy to do much posting online. I'm even having trouble keeping up with talking to people online,except for Brian and about three others. Everyone else its like...eh. I have to put up a front with some of them so I don't really want to talk to them.

Like the one just kind of says random things and I ask how they are and they are like "I'm awesome!" but is never polite enough to ask how I am. They also don't really talk about anything. I just don't really have the energy for people like that lately.

Midori,my Quaker is acting strangely lately. He bites me just for showing my fingers, I can only perch and pet him if I wear gloves (knit white ones). For a bird that was always very friendly and cuddly,this makes me really sad. I worry he is becoming untame or he doesn't like me anymore,but I don't know what I can do about it. I don't take him out of his cage for as long in one period anymore because of it,it started this week. I just take him out for 30 mins to an hour isntead of two hours. =/

Cody is fine though, hes acting like his usual self. Mimi is fine too but Cookie still isn't eating much. I worry about how thin she is...she has plenty of an appetite,she just is being super picky with dog food. She really just wants hand outs. -.-

Anyways, I think for awhile i'm just gonna post about collection stuff or lighthearted things instead of life/personal things. Nothing fun is going on anyway.

Since money is tight i've only been able to get a few new things,but I can always take photos of things I already have! 

pets, life

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