Guess who came in the mail today :D

Jun 10, 2014 12:48


It's the Japanese Serow plushie! She arrived more quickly than I was expecting but i'm glad the package didn't get lost or anything.
She looks just like the photo and is very high-quality,soft too! I couldn't be happier with this plush. <3 I am not sure what her tag says though,does anyone know what this says? Kind of surprised to see the Romanzied Japanese. o_o

I took a photo of her next to my Gogoat Pokedoll for size compairison:

I really do wonder if this is what Gogoat is based off of,rather than just a regular goat. They do both have the mane and Gogoat has antelope like horns and Serows are called "goat-antelopes", hm...

Speaking of Pokemon, I ordered a Male Meowstic Pokedoll awhile ago  but he hasn't shown up yet...hope he isn't lost. D: This package came from Japan too but was ordered after the time when Meowstic was shipped,so that's a little worrying. My last Sunyshore order almost got lost too but it did eventually arrive...

I never had trouble with Sunyshore packages before these two times,wonder why things are like this now?

pokemon, photo, collecting, plushies, plush, animals

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