Happy Memorial Day Weekend~

May 26, 2014 11:16

Just thought i'd post to wish everyone a happy first week of summer,well-what people count as summer anyway. We're not doing very much here but later today we'll probably eat dinner outside with the dogs for a little something different.

My visit with my online friend last month went really well,he acts the same as he does online so there wasn't any awkwardness or anything like that. ^^  We went to see Rio 2 and eat at Subway,then the rest of the weekend was spent just doing various things. We went to the battlefield around here (it's also a national park kind of?) to walk around for awhile and found these feathers while we were there:

Apparently they are Barred Owl feathers! I kept two and he kept two,a nice memento of the visit I suppose. :3

It would be nice to be able to see Brian too but we both are unemployed atm so it's just not really possible. Atleast I can talk to him online if nothing else. His birthday was yesterday but I couldn't really do much of anything for him unfortunately, I just left him a message telling him happy  b-day/I love you.

As far as financial and family situations go,everything is about the same. Collecting wise I have only been getting a very small amount of Pokemon stuff lately since it's rather pricey. I did place an order for the Sylveon Pokedoll though. <3

I've gotten a few other collection items,like these two foxes here:

Aren't they cute? They are supposedly different brands but I think they just have different tags and are made by the same company,lol.

But yeah,that's about all I have to say for today. One thing I always hate about summer is my room gets way hotter than the rest of the house because this room has two large windows. It sucks because it's really noticeable, Cody doesn't seem to mind very much atleast. I guess Sun Conures are rather tropical in their native land?

photo, friends, brian, collection, cody, plush, life

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