Life Update

Nov 10, 2013 22:17

Lately, I haven't been really posting on my personal journal about actual life stuff. But really, that's just because not very much is going on lately that is worth sharing.

Even so, I figured I mind as well make an update post anyway.

I still don't have a job, but my mom does now. It's part time at the Hallmark store closest to our house. She doesn't love it but its a start I guess,it does also pay above minimum wage.

I have to work on getting my full driving license especially since she can't transport me to a job anymore (if I was get to one). Really dreading that but unfortunately we don't live in a very walker friendly area and there is no public transportation in my actual town- only buses around here run to Falls Church,VA which is not helpful to me.

Things with Brian are fine still,we don't get to talk all that often but I am happy for when I do get to talk to him. ^^  Hopefully I can visit him in person once I get my driver's license,I only have my permit right now.

Most of my time is just spent at home now,which does get boring from time to time. v_v  But its not just my mom and I living here for the time  being- my cousin Matt (from mom's side of the family) is also living here. Not sure for how long but he's been here since around Halloween as a messy situation happened and now my uncle won't talk to him or let him live  there so he had to come here.

It sucks,but hopefully someday relations can improve with those two...

This year,the holidays will probably just be spent here  at home  rather than involving visiting anyone. This isn't really all that fun but I can still send out Christmas cards atleast. I definitely want to do the LJ exchange again too but I will post about that closer to or after Thanksgiving.

Collecting wise,I've been able to get some things just not as much because I'm alot lower for money and I don't have any income.

This past week I got two new Kura icons! I may delete one of my other LJ ones so that I can use one on here too. What one do you guys like better?:

Anyways,that's about all I can think to share right now. ^^; How are you guys doing lately? I apologize for not commenting on your guys' entries as much as I had been,want to try to keep up with that a bit better.

updates, brian, holidays, life, art, kura

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