Jun 16, 2012 18:23
Yesterday I...er well my mom got a card in the mail from my one Aunt and Uncle on my dad's side of the family. It was a remembrance card for my Dad since its Father's day tomorrow. In it almost all of their names are written and it says "He was a husband,a brother,a brother-in law and an uncle." (And I think one other thing too, don't remember what exactly) Notice it does not say Father at all? My name was not hinted or mentioned in the entire card...and its a Father's Day card.
Last year a similar one was sent but my name and father was written on that one. Why the sudden change?Is it just me or the fact that I am apparently less important than his nephew and his sister-in law quite offensive? I mean how can you forget to write something like that on a Father's Day card!?
I am the only child he ever had and they can't even be bothered to think of me for 5 seconds. And yes they know I still live here so its not like they thought I lived somewhere else or something. Gradually I had becoming more and more distant from my Dad's side and this is just the straw that broke the camel's back,it really is. I mean am I over-reacting or what?
Only one aunt sent me a Graduation card (they don't even know that i'm taking summer school) and who used to be my favorite aunt on my Dad's side, Aunt Cathy Jo, did not even write me so much as a letter or something for my 18th birthday. Thanks guys. <3
I'm done visiting them for awhile, its not like I even miss any of them. They barely know anything about me.