So much for the money saved.

May 20, 2012 18:14

I had made about $48.58 out of my $140 goal,but two of the mpc plushies I had been waiting for showed up for sale on ebay- Swadloon and Spring sawsbuck. These guys aren't the cheapest from Animeraro (who I usually buy from) so  now I only have $2.04 left.

I am happy to have gotten those two,but why do they have to cost so much?;_; I think i'll just give up on saving for the Kneesocks figure that I was trying to buy and just sell things here and there for whatever else I want.  I was actually wanting a second Swadloon mpc but I am unsure if I want to spend the money for it.

Oh! Btw, i'll be doing that 30 Day Pkmn Challenge thingie next month,just as a heads up- be ready for lots of posts I guess. XD
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