Yay-Unexpected day off of school!

Sep 09, 2011 07:18

All this week since school started it has been raining a lot,even heavier than what we got during hurricane irene. Yesterday afternoon it was raining particularly heavy, but this morning it was clear. I went to the bus stop and noticed no one was there and that the whole neighborhood was eerieily quiet, so I eventually went home.

We have the day off of school! It says due to police recommendation and some flooding, but since it didn't hurt my house or anyone else in the neighborhood seemingly, its all good here. :3 I feel a bit dumb having gotten dressed and all for nothing but I took my dogs for a walk so I got something done.

Since we had labor day off as well,which was monday- the first week of school for me only lasted three days,heh.

school, life

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