I finally got a cell phone+ other new things

Jul 01, 2011 20:03

I haven't been able to post this past week because I was busy with summer school (online) but now that it is the weekend I have time. First off, I finally got my first cell phone:

Its pre-paid but each service period lasts a long time (till november for this time now that I put minutes on it today) and everything can be rolled over. It does not charge additionally for long-distance or international calls so maybe I can use it to talk to to some of my online friends,even if i'm not much for talking on the phone.

I also got a small tattoo! Its small, and it isn't colored yet but I like it still. My cousin did it for free, I drew the design he inked it. It didn't hurt like I thought it would fortunately. Its a bit uneven I suppose but I did draw it free-hand...

Other than these two things, my summer has been pretty boring/sucky so-far,especially since I don't even get that much free time.

updates, photo, life

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