character death, etc.

Apr 03, 2006 22:35

Today, I killed my first character, and I'm a little more upset about this than I thought I'd be. I don't know if I'm going to be able to write in that universe for a little while. So this is my vigil for [person]. Bring candles.

On a happier note (well, sort of), stardustandsand and I have started an original collaboration, which will also involve character death. Still, fun, and something else to work on. And there's a priest. (raise your hand if you're surprised)

And so this isn't a totally useless post (at least relatively), here's some semi-eyecandy in the form of a (crappy) preliminary character sketch of Nighcrawler in my doujin-verse. The actual design will be better when haru_mania gets around to it. *pokes her*


murder, doujinshi, x-men

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