Feb 06, 2006 22:37
I think I'm going to create a new (semi)superhero named KillerSue. She shall be badass and utterly average-looking, and her sole joy in life will be hunting down and destroying all Mary-Sue's. Why is it that obscure fandoms tend to be overrun by these terrifyingly unimaginative pre-pubescents? I swear to god, for every decent Lost Boys fic, there are 10 creepy little Mary-Sue's running around. This is why I avoid AdultFanfiction.net: it tends to make me lose my faith in humanity, as well as my appetite.
On a somewhat related note: ship names, wtf? Some of them are fun, granted; Obidala still makes me snerk a little bit. But 'logurt'? Come on people. And they just get worse from there. Who thought this was a good idea? Honestly.
Signed up for a multi-fandom remix challenge, so expect the results of that sometime next month. Otherwise, not much in the way of creativity. Been drawing some, mostly X-Men: Evolution stuff -lots of Nightcrawler (I am in love)- but probably won't post any, unless I do something really cool (which is doubtful).
And now that I have astonished you all once again with my insanity, I'm gonna go read some fic. yay slash. ^_^