don't feed the fangirl

May 30, 2006 23:43

Ok, the Wolverine spin-off series I knew about -Steven E. Gordon is doing the designs and the Evo fans are all a-twitter- but a Magneto movie? As much as my little fangirl heart thrills at the idea, I think Hollywood might be getting a little too comic happy. If Paramount announces plans for an Archie movie, I'm moving to the UK and sequestering myself with back-issues of Excalibur, the one X-series you know they'll never touch.

In other news, my parents are crazy. They and their bike club, have started a week-long bike ride all the way down the Trace, Nashville to Natchez. And in case you weren't already assured of my dad's complete dorkiness, he's blogging it. So go, and leave some encouraging comments. Or just tell him he's crazy.




1 is from the Teen Titans comic. The original picture is seriously hot, no pun intended
2 is from Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-men series; I don't know which volume
3 is from some webcomic (obviously), and it makes about as much sense in context
4/5 and 6/7 are both from Excalibur, the old and new series respectively. I quite like this picture of TJ and would like to do more with it, but I can't think what. Any suggestions?

Also, Uncle Sam wants your BRAINS! I :heart: scans_daily. Truly.

finally read both 4-issue Nightcrawler series. will likely post scans, if only to spread both the absolute crack that is 80s comics and a very peculiar brand of fatalism. jpg or pdf?


links, comics, icons, x-men, cycling

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