This is a post about body-image and health management in which I ask for advice, support, and accountability. This is going under a cut because a) first world problems, and b) this shit is boring to most people.
So I'm really terrible about setting goals. I'm not a goal-oriented person, and I've never done well with the reward system kind of motivation. As a result, I wind up accomplishing things sort of by accident, and it makes it difficult to establish positive routines and structure. To further complicate things, as most of you are more than aware, chronic depression makes it difficult - if not impossible - to actually, y'know, do things.
Friends, it is time for that to change. It's time to build positive activities into my daily life, and here are my motivating factors:
1) I've started to gain back the weight I lost when I first moved up here, which means that all those nice new clothes I got last winter are getting a little tight.
2) I keep hearing about this study saying that people who sit for work tend to have shorter life expectancy. While I don't really care about living to 100, I'd rather die in a tragic cosplaying accident than from being lazy.
3) The more I think about it, the more badass I think it would be to do a Kate Bishop variation on my Hawkeye costume for next year's cons. The problem?
This is Kate Bishop, and I don't want to do the weird strapless dress thing. (Even though that might be awesome. I think that's from Civil War? Idk.)
Like so many things, it really does come down to my ridiculous commitment to geekery of all kinds and the realization that toning up my waist would make me the ultimate dark-haired super-heroine cosplayer. But hey, motivation is motivation, right?
I'm generally healthy, I eat pretty well, and I don't necessarily need to lose weight for health reasons. What I need to do is tone my core, lose body fat, and build muscle. The hard part is how.
Why am I telling you this, friends? Because I need two things from you, insofar as you are willing to give:
1) Advice. What diet changes, healthy habits, and fitness routines have worked or not worked for you? (Bearing in mind that I'm a vegetarian and broke) what tips do you recommend?
2) Accountability. I need people to hold me to this. I need you to remind me and encourage me. Don't let me get away with slacking off. Leave comments, poke me on twitter, plaster my tumblr dash with pictures of Kate Bishop (Actually, that would be kind of great. Do that, please.), harass me on gchat. Hold me accountable to this decision.
The goal is be in midriff-baring shape by CONvergence next Summer. This is an attainable goal, I just need a little help getting there.
Yes, even my health talk is soaked in Avengers feels. I can't help it, y'all. My whole brain is et up.