The hour approaches!

Aug 24, 2012 09:24

Friends! In five days, six hours, and 30 minutes, I will be in Atlanta, preparing to reunite with several of my favorite people and descend into the beating heart of geek culture. My excitement knows no bounds. My anticipation is at its height. I am overwhelmed with feelings. I AM IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTION.


I've actually got a free weekend, so the next three days will be dedicated to low-key (ahahaha) productivity. Tonight: touching up the disaster that is my hair, packing costume pieces (with industrial-grade bubble wrap, no less!), and returning my work area to some semblance of order. Tomorrow: sleeping in, making cookies, packing other stuff, cleaning my apartment. Sunday: more sleep, possibly RennerFest?

I promise lots of pics and a detailed report of the con's events. In the meantime, I'll just keep writing fan fiction like my life depends on it. Speaking of which, all of my ridiculous little Avengers drabbles have gone to live here.

I apologize, once again, to all those who don't give two fucks about the Avengers and their precious faces. I hope you still love me. <3

barton's been compromised, dragon*con 2012, geek check

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