Mar 05, 2012 18:08
I'm having one of those DO ALL THE THINGS days. I was weirdly focused and energized this morning and managed to:
wash the dishes
make a doctor's appointment
draft a pattern and cut fabric for a costume (for me!)
organize my green room supplies box for the burlesque
pick up my glasses from the optometrist
put gas in my car
eat an honest-to-gods proper breakfast
eat an honest-to-gods proper lunch
pack an honest-to-gods proper dinner to take to work
STILL get to work at 12:45, 15 minutes early
AND I had time to get through all my internet lists and answer messages on Facebook. Y'all, I feel kind of like a super hero. Of course, now that things have slowed down and everyone else has left, I've got kind of a chemical drop going on, but I'm celebrating small victories, for now.
the power in our frailty,