Dec 19, 2011 18:41
- Вс, 19:07: The dog has decided that me laughing is her cue to come climb in my lap.
- Вс, 19:17: Oh yeah, NOW Caprica is on Netflix instant. *head desk*
- Вс, 19:26: Ok, Twitter. I need a TV series to watch, and I'm at a loss.
- Пн, 08:23: My supervisor gave me a going away gift! I'm all full of fluffy loved feelings.
- Пн, 08:31: RT @ workforfood: ☑ Kim Jong Il ☑ Khaddafi ☑ Osama Bin Laden ☑ Saddam Hussein ☐ Internet Explorer
- Пн, 08:33: RT @ ouija_sam: I saw Charlie Brown BRANDED Sad Pathetic Christmas Trees on special at Walgreens this morning. Truly, irony is dead.
- Пн, 09:21: I have three words for you: Peanut. Butter. Brownie.
- Пн, 10:33: Another day of sitting here, looking fabulous and doing nothing.
- Пн, 11:07: Ok, the prologue to this story is written, now I have to write the actual story.
- Пн, 12:03: Finally, less than a week before Christmas, I'm eating the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers out of the fridge.
- Пн, 13:47: I wasn't expecting to write a happy story, but geez. I've got cutting up dead babies and drowning small children... In the first chapter.
- Пн, 13:52: Love = checking twitter to find @ imnotsatan and @ thefangirlhood inexplicably freaking out about James McAvoy. <3
- Пн, 13:59: @ imnotsatan @ thefangirlhood I do not begrudge you your flailing. Both he and his face are, indeed, the best.
- Пн, 16:41: @ thefangirlhood @ lovelythings loling so hard over my holiday card. Totally going to go draw that picture now.
- Пн, 16:42: @ arymabeth Thank you so much for the card and the gift! I will now buy ALL THE BOOKS!
- Пн, 16:44: A thing that just happened: Sending tweets on my phone, while sitting next to my computer. I'm officially over-technologized.