Oct 11, 2005 16:36
Welcome again into my realm:
Hm? I wonder what I should do today... I know what! I think I will sit here in the basking glow of this computer at school, and perhaps conjure up another poem on my website. In fact I think I will. I should be studying, but I don't want to. I read my new mangas I bought last night at Borders. I just love Demon Diary. It's quite hilarious. I never thought it could be so good. Last night was fun. I took Omni, Nubis, and Jess out to the Ugly Mug. Then we decided to disappear to the Courtland Mall for a bit. I was looking for a wallet, and everyone else wanted to see what was playing in the theatre. I ended up buying a hello kitty purse and Nubis an army hat. I didn't find a wallet there, and no one wanted to see a movie, so we went to the valley. Once we got there, first we hit up Blue Moon, and met a very interesting Irish guy named Mikey. Sorry X, but he is just as cool as you. I'm going back when I get more money. Muwhahahaha! We walked into Steve and Barry's, and I bought Omni a very wicked jacket. It fitted him quite well, and I love it on him. It makes him look good! *drool* So then we all walk into the best store of all time, Hot Topic. I didn't find anything that I could afford...*shrugs* So we all went into Icing to find me a wallet. I searched through the wallets and found one, but didn't know if i would like it. So I went to Claires. I could not find one there, so I went back to Icing to pick up the one I thought would be suitable, until I walked past the playboy bunnyness! Seeing that they had wallets, I picked up a black and silver wallet only to fall in love with it. Omni bought it for me. *sigh* Kinda sad when your own boyfriend has to buy you a wallet to hold your own money in. Anywho, then we went to border's and we grabbed any book we could afford. I had a gift card, so I went to the mangas and grabbed Demon Diary! Woot! I finshed Model, so I needed something else. Finally we decided to hang out at Nubis' for a bit, until I had to take everyone home. I didn't get home until 11 last night, but I stayed up to talk to Crow for a bit while writing a new poem. Anywho that was yesterday in a nutshell.
Toodles and sparkles,