
Sep 10, 2005 10:56

At first this week had started out to be hell on wheels. I have offically started my classes at Mott. I must say it feels way too much like high school. I get slammed in American History with fifty-two pages of reading on the first day. I can't believe that class requires three books. My English professor is insane... but I think I will manage in her class. At least my friend Joe is with me everyday. I do see my buddy Nicole on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We buy each other breakfast and cappucino on those days. My right ear hurts a bit. Ow... I can't wait to go to the renassance festival. I have seven people going with me. Its going to be nuts. Anywho, I will see you people later. I have a ton of cleaning to do.
Swords and Toodles,
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