Oct 13, 2004 19:37
>\\ ever gone skinny dipping: No
>\\ made a prank phone call: Yep
>\\ tipped over a portapotty: No
>\\ used your parents credit card: Yep
>\\ skipped school before: Yep
>\\ fell asleep in the shower/bath: Yep
>\\ been in a school play: Yep
>\\ had a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yep
>\\ had children: Not that I know of...
>\\ been in love: Not really, no.
>\\ had a hard time getting over someone: Yep, but not in the relationship sense
>\\ been hurt?: Yep
>\\ gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: Yep
Random . . .
>\\ have a job: No
>\\ your cd player has what in it right now: Placebo, burned CD
>\\ if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Hell if I know
>\\ what makes you happy?: Haven't we already been over this?
>\\ the next CD you're going to buy: I don't buy CD's I steal them
When/What Was the Last . . .
>\\ you got a real letter: After my b-day
>\\ got an email: Yesterday
>\\ thing you purchased: FOOD
>\\ Tv program you watched: Presidential Debate...kinda
>\\ movie you saw in the theaters: Resident Evil 2
>\\ person you kissed: I can't remember.
>\\ person you hugged: Probably Jackie or Matt
>\\ song heard: "Art is Hard" -Cursive
>\\ place you were [ besides home ]: David's house
>\\ phonecall: SARA!
>\\ you were depressed: Don't remember
>\\ you were in the hospital: Hell if I know
When/What Comes to Mind When You Hear . . .
>\\ car: Moo
>\\ murder: Moo
>\\ cape: Sara, because she was wearing one today!
>\\ penis: I have one. YAY!
>\\ cell: Phone
>\\ shoe: CAKE!
>\\ fun: CAKE!
>\\ crush: ...*silence*
>\\ music: CAKE!
>\\ chalk: WTF!?