Jan 10, 2006 21:57
I don't update very much lately. I guess I'm only doing this now because I went to WJ and saw the chorus concert. Some parts were awesome, some parts were hilarious. I'm not going to say which, but if you were Alex you'd know.
It was wierd. I remember when all the little guys in mads were in advanced choir and had those tiny voices, and it was disorienting. Also Sam Nellis looks like Jason Nellis and that was wierd.
I'm glad I'm not in high school. It kind of sucks being nice to people without personalities. I wasn't always, and I was only a real bitch in certain situations. Now I just love my friends and ignore other people once I figure out they're pathetic. If this bothers you, I probably don't think you're pathetic. If I was mean to you, yup, I don't like you. But that's probably not shocking.
This is how I feel:
I love the world. I love looking at the moon and imagining the planets all roatating around in nothingness. I love leaving brooklyn and breathing and seeing stars. I love my friends. I love taking showers and watching thunderstorms. I love the way things feel and the way everything changes color. I love to float in cool water and stare at the clouds hugging the atmosphere.
My brotehr is a pothead now. Also his hair is enormous.
My sister looks like me. I spent three hours straightening her hair.
I will never be a suburbanite unless it's temporary, like visiting someone. I never want to be a north bethesda mom.
I feel the crackling on my brain when I stare at the sky or at a tree. Its wonderful. Sometimes I'm a clay bell, and sometimes I'm a grasshopper.
I wish I could have visited Bartman but it's too late now.
I wish I could fly. Or at least go hangliding like Tommy over some amazing landscape, like New Zealand, or France where I could float above ancient castles.
I wish I could live in a cathedral, or even a basilica. With lots of animals like that woman in pensylvania. She had a rescue farm and lots of cows and horses and goats and even a llama and a sea turtle and they all lived together in this big pen and they got along and played together.
PS: There is a movie based on a 1936 original called REEFER MADNESS, THE MUSICAL. It's amazing. They have it at the cabin john blockbuster.
PPS: I swear I'm not high. No, seriously.