Sep 19, 2006 14:33
Mesopotamia - Read pages 39-41
a) Name the Parts of Mesopotamia, prior to the two regions being unified.
b) What factors made the land of Mesopotamia appear to be very bleak?
c) Why was the spring a dangerous time in Mesopotamia?
d) What attached people to this area?
e) Describe the importance of the natural levees.
f) List the many uses of reeds.
g) Why can ancient Mesopotamia be described as being multicultural? Note the groups and approximate dates.
a)Tigris and Euphrates (Rivers in present-day Iraq)
b)There is too litte rainfall for crops to mature, the climate is too hot and dry, and the soil is arid and sterile if not cared for properly. There are no minerals and almost no stone or wood for building, and the soil is baked by the sun, causing the vegitation to wither and die. In thewinter, stormy south winds brought unpridictable downpours that turned theriver valleys into slippery mud.
c) Spring was danderous, because the spring rains combined with the melting snows, causing the rivers to swell and cause catastropic floods.
d)There was a natural levee that protected them from floods, and one side of the levve wasable to grow small crops.
e)The levee provided water for crops and animals, and fish for human consumption.
f) The reeds provided the animals with food, and were a valuble building material when they were matured.
g)There were Sumerians (3000BCE) who developed writing, and large social organizations, the Akkadians (2600BCE) and the Amorites (2200BCE). Finally the Hurrians (1800BCE)